Wednesday 15 August 2012

Royal Mail Individual Paralympic Gold Medal Winners Stamps Shock.

Royal Mail, overjoyed at the huge sales of Olympic gold medallist stamps and the consequent massive profits they made, have announced that, contrary to their previous promise of a single miniature sheet to feature all British Paralympic gold medal winners, they will issue individual stamps for each gold medallist which is likely to total approximately 60 to 70 issues. The stamps will be available as a sheet of 2x 1st class (60p) stamps therefore each issue costing £1.20p. For greedy Royal Mail, it was just too great a money-making opportunity to miss. The total cost to a collector could amount to about £72 - £80 per set. Remember, the Olympic medallist set has already cost us £104. For stamp collectors, it could be the last straw.  The stamps will be issued within 5 days of a gold medal victory rather than overnight as with the Olympic medallist stamps for logistic reasons.

Meanwhile, the Cyprus postal administration has made an assault on collectors' pockets by issuing a 10 euro miniature sheet to commemorate the country's assumption of the presidency of the Council of the European Union. It was issued with a basic 51c stamp.
From Brunei, a set of 5 stamps has been recently issued to commemorate the Brunei armed forces with pictures of the Sultan in various uniforms - an interesting and reasonably priced issue.

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