Tuesday, 23 November 2021

1985. 🇬🇧 Breaking News … BAT’s End Of Year Issues Revealed.


🇬🇧 Pobjoy Stamps this morning revealed the end of year issues we have now come to expect from the postal service of British Antarctic Territory with today, 23 November 2021, as the date of issue. They certainly make an excellent collection - interesting, well-designed and relevant - the hallmark of the stamp issues of Creative Direction which coordinates the production of these wonderful philatelic items - long may it continue to do so.

  United Kingdom Overseas Territories Blue Belt Programme (joint issue with South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands, Ascension Island and Tristan Da Cunha (see Blogs 1972 and 1981) - 4 stamps and 1 miniature sheet containing all 4 stamps (but without white border). Designed by Andrew Robinson and lithographed by Cartor and perforated 13.5. Rating:- *****.

Thirtieth anniversary of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Territory- 4 stamps. Designed by Bee Design and lithographed by Cartor and perforated 14. Rating:- *****.

Final voyage of the RRS James Ross Clarke - 4 stamps. Designed by Bee Design and lithographed by Cartor and perforated 13.5. Rating:- *****.

  Thanks to Juliet Warner of Pobjoy Stamps for information about these issues.


  1. I'm sure you'll have this at your fingertips - has this profile of HM been used before?

    if so has it been used other than on Pobjoy products?

    1. Hello Ian, yes this head looks the same to me as those used by Creative Directions/Pobjoy on other territories including BVI, Ascension, Tristan and so on. It’s also used on some of the CASCO issues including St Helena and Cayman. I remember there was a big fanfare for it some years ago but I cannot recall when that would have been I’m afraid. It may have preceded Creative Direction’s take over of the Falklands which was previously a CASCO client and it then continued to be used on Falkland’s stamps. I now recall that the head was first used on high value stamps - one for several territories - will look them up to remind myself and add a further reply.

    2. Yes, now I have it. Single high value definitives were released in 2003 bearing the portrait from which the cameo used on many later stamps was derived. The values varied in value from £2 - £3 except that of Bermuda which cost $25 and was intended to be used on express post items. The territories which participated in this definitive omnibus, released to showcase this new photographic portrait were BAT, Bermuda, BVI, Falklands, South Georgia, St Helena, BIOT, Ascension and Tristan. I may have overlooked another territory but I think that is the complete list.
