Sunday, 31 October 2021

1970. 🇸🇬 Singapore Post Reveals Upcoming New Issues.


🇸🇬 Singapore Post has released details of its forthcoming issues up to the Chinese New Year issue (Year of the Tiger) which will be released on 7 January 2022 and includes 2 gummed stamps, a miniature sheet containing 2 tête beche pairs, a miniature sheet containing a single $10 stamp and a stamp to be dispensed from the SAM machine no. S796 in the General Post Office. There will also be a booklet of 10 of the 1st Local stamp in self-adhesive format. The issue was designed by Lim An-ling (stamps) and Andy Koh (‘Collectors sheet’) and the stamps were lithographed by Southern Colour Print while the Collectors sheet was lithographed with laser die-cut and gold hot stamping by Enschedé. The issue is perforated 14.5. Rating:- ***.

  The remaining issues of 2021 are:-

1 December 2021 - 75th anniversary of the Singapore Prison Service - 4 stamps. Designed by Wong Wui Kong and lithographed by Secura and perforated 13. Rating:- ***.

7 December 2021 - 50th anniversary of the Central Narcotics Bureau - 3 stamps. Designed by Wong Wui Kong and lithographed by Secura and perforated 13. Rating:- ***.

15 November 2021 - ‘Celebrating Women’ - 1 stamp. Designed by Agnes Tan and Casey Ng (Singapore Fashion Runway) and lithographed by Secura and perforated 13. Rating:- **.

🇬🇧 With thousands of politicians and ‘experts’ doing what they tell us we should not do - travel long distances and by air in particular - all arriving in Glasgow to attend the international meeting known as COP 26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, Royal Mail has stepped up to the plate to commemorate what we are told is an event of existential importance not by issuing a commemorative stamp (well, it has been rather busy commemorating Batman and Wonder Woman and their colleagues) but by producing one of its slogan postmarks. I have not even read anywhere that Royal Mail will paint a Glaswegian postbox to commemorate the event which is a means it uses sometimes as a commemorative stamp substitute.

  To be fair to Royal Mail, looking back over other recent COP meetings which usually take place annually, I can not find a recent host country which has issued a stamp to commemorate its hosting of the conference. Still if it’s as important an event as the politicians and experts tell us then it is surprising that the British postal service has not recognised that this is one event that really is worth commemorating with a stamp issue.

1969. 🇨🇦 🇧🇲 Canada Celebrates Christmas And Hanukkah; Bermuda Celebrates Olympics Gold Medallist.


🇨🇦 Canada Post will issue its Christmas stamps on 1 November 2021 in the form of 4 self-adhesive stamps each sold in individual booklets of either 12 (‘P’ rates) or 6 (other values) plus a miniature sheet containing the three colourful ‘portraits’ stamps. They are whimsical and pleasant items and should cheer up the envelopes in which Canadians send their Christmas greetings. The stamps were designed by Larry Burke and Anna Stredulinsky of Burke and Burke using illustrations by Geneviève Godbout and Stéphane Huot using an illustration by Luc Melanson (church and angel). Rating:- ***.

  Canada Post will then release on 8 November 2021 a single self-adhesive stamp issued in booklets of 10 to commemorate the Jewish religious festival of Hanukkah. The colourful stamp was designed by Joseph Gault and Avi Dunkelman. Rating:- ***.

🇧🇲 Bermuda Post Office issued 2 stamps on 18 October 2021 to commemorate Flora Duffy OBE, the territory’s first ever Olympic Games gold medal winner who competed in the Women’s Triathlon event in the 2020 Tokyo Games in 2021. The stamps were launched at a ceremony in her honour and the poor quality illustrations are taken from mock-ups of the stamps displayed at that ceremony. Rating:- ****.

Saturday, 30 October 2021

1968. 🇨🇦 Canada Commemorates Poppy Centenary.

   🇨🇦 Canada Post issued a single self-adhesive stamp produced in booklets of ten to commemorate the adoption of the poppy flower as a symbol of remembrance. This delightfully simple and bold design is by Blair Thompson of Believe in. Rating:- *****.

  🇲🇾 Pos Malaysia issued 2 miniature sheets and 1 single stamp (sold used on a commemorative cover) as se temku (personalised) stamps on, it appears, 1 October 2021. One miniature sheet contains 4 different stamps and the other a single stamp. The issue commemorates the 50th anniversary of SOCSO (Social Security Organisation).

  🇳🇬 I have previously mentioned the Revenue stamp issued in Nigeria (see Blog 1962) which was printed under the auspices of NIPost rather than the Federal Internal Revenue Service (FIRS) and for which the Nigerian postal service provided a ‘first day cover’ dated 3 August 2021. It was felt that this stamp is likely to be used for postage as well as fiscal purposes. I have now received an example of the cover and its ‘filler’ card has some text printed on it which describes the stamps as a ‘postage stamp’, “The postage stamp affixed to this cover (FDC) and released on 03/08/2021 is Nigerian Revenue Stamp …” and so I presume this must officially be a postal-fiscal stamp and is available to be used on mail.

Friday, 29 October 2021

1967. 🇯🇲 Jamaica Commemorates It’s Post Offices 350th Anniversary.

 🇯🇲 Jamaica Post launched a notably lavish sheetlet of 18 stamps and 2 miniature sheets to commemorate the 350th anniversary of the postal service in Jamaica on 29 October 2021. I have not yet seen any other details and the illustrations below are the best I can find at the moment, Rating:- 

🇧🇩 There is a news of a number of new issues from the postal service of Bangladesh. The stamps are largely related to the events of 1971 and the country’s achievement of Independence from Pakistan and the War of Independence

13 January 2021. Bangladesh national anthem - 1 stamp:-

  26 February 2021 - Bangladesh’s Heroines of War - 1 stamp:-

26 March 2021 - Independent Bangla Radio Centre - 1 stamp:-

20 May 2021 - ‘Hellish killings of the invading forces in the War of Liberation’ - 1 stamps:-

7 June 2021 - Map of Bangladesh - 1 stamp:-

10 June 2021 - 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Swadhin Bangla football team (national football team) - 1 stamp:-

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

1966.🇺🇸 More Products From IGPC Clients.


🇲🇲 The two stamps from the postal service of Myanmar previously mentioned in Blog 1949 (and see also Blog 1947) which depict costumes of the Bagan Era (846-1086 AD) were issued on 27 October 2021. They are the second part of a multipart issue.

🇺🇸 The New York-based seller of philatelic items, IGPC, has released its latest list of products with the names of some of its client territories printed on them. As usual these products are of little interest to serious stamp collectors. All rated:- 0.

🇬🇲 The Gambia -

29 October 2021 - 1 issue (Frogs of The Gambia - 2 miniature sheets).

🇬🇩 Grenada Carriacou And Petite Martinique -

1 October 2021 - 1 issue (International cryptocurrency - 1 miniature sheet)

11 October 2021 - 3 issues (Flamingoes (2 miniature sheets); Mushrooms (2 miniature sheets); Butterflies (2 miniature sheets).

🇰🇳 Nevis

8 November 2021 - 4 issues, each made up of 2 miniature sheets (Butterfly fish; Edible mushrooms; Sharks of the world; Macaws).

🇻🇨 Saint Vincent And The Grenadines -

20 September 2021 - 2 issues each made up of a single miniature sheet (International cryptocurrency; Tokyo Olympic Games).

🇹🇻 Tuvalu -

24 September 2021 - 1 issue (International cryptocurrency- 1 miniature sheet)

11 October 2021 - 3 issues, each made up of 2 miniature sheets (Coconut palm, Coral; Tiger sharks)

As October draws to a close let us remind ourselves which Commonwealth postal administrations still have not  yet issued, or had issued on their behalf, any postage stamps during 2021:- 










Pitcairn Islands,

Rarotonga Cook Islands,


St Kitts,

Saint Lucia,


Sierra Leone,

Solomon Islands,



Turks And Caicos Islands,



  Hence 22 Commonwealth postal administrations are not yet known to have issued any postage stamps so far this year, 3 fewer postal services than at the end of September.