Monday, 30 April 2018

1214. 🇲🇾 Fruit From Malaysia.

  🇲🇾 Pos Malaysia issued a set of 3 stamps and 1 miniature sheet on 24 April 2018 on the subject of Malaysian citrus fruit. A colourful issue. Rating:- ***.

  🇬🇧 In a previous Blog I mentioned the set of 10 stamps due to be released on 11 May 2018 on the subject of Owls. I now provide better quality illustrations of the 10 stamps. The issue is made up of 2 se-tenant strips - 1 including the 5 stamps depicting adult birds and the other including the 5 stamps which depict owlets. There seems to be no special reason for the issue of 10 stamps depicting owls at this particular time. Rating:- **.

  🇮🇳 India Post issued a single stamp on 25 April 2018 to commemorate Hemvati Nandan Bahugana, a politician who was the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. Not the most interesting of designs. Rating:- **.

  A se-tenant pair was then issued on 27 April 2017 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Safdarjung Hospital. A wholly uneninterexting design. Rating:- *.  

  Rather more interesting was a miniature sheet issued on 28 April 2018 which commemorated Prithviraj Chauhan (ruled 1178 - 1192), an Indian king of the Chahamana dynasty. Rating:- ***.

  🇱🇹 And so, inevitably, to the latest paraphilatelic products from the notorious agency, Stamperija, which have the names of Commonwealth countries printed on them.
  Firstly, there is Sierra Leone, for which 10 sheetlets, each containing 4 'stamps', and 10 accompanying miniature sheets have been produced. The featured subjects are:- 115th anniversary of the Harley Davidson motor cycle, the Battle of Moscow, Water Birds, 55th anniversary of the Organisation of African Unity, 'Winter Games' Pyeong Chang, Dugongs, Butterflies, Diana Princess Of Wales, 50th anniversary of the death of Yuri Gargarin and Table tennis players. Rating:- 0.
  The stated 'date of issue' is 30 March 2018.

  There are also items with the names of Mozambique printed on them. Ten sets each made up of 4  'stamps' and 10 accompanying miniature sheets are stated to have been 'issued' on 15 April 2018 on the following subjects:- The Berlin Museum of Natural History, Big cats, Minerals, David Livingstone, Fire engines, Lighthouses, European high speed trains, Marilyn Monroe, Dolphins and Sea birds. Rating:- 0.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

1213. 🇬🇧 Royal Mail Commemorates CHOGM After All - With A Postmark.

  🇬🇧 Royal Mail failed to release any stamps to commemorate the holding of the Commonwealth Heads Of Government Meeting which was held in London and Windsor from 16 to 20 April 2018 and which was attended by 53 heads of government or other senior ministers. However the event was commemorated philatelically by a slogan postmark. I received an item of mail today with a 2nd Class stamp fixed to it cancelled by the postmark which reads:- 'COMMONWEAL TH HEADS OF GOVERNMENT MEETING London 2018 16 - 20 April'. The item of mail is dated 16/04/2018 at Nottingham Mail Centre. So there we have it - a philatelic commemoration of CHOGM at no cost at all to the stamp collector.

  🇯🇪 Jersey Post will issue a strip of Post and Go stamps on 19 May 2018 to commemorate the Wedding of Prince Henry Of Wales and Meghan Markel. The issue takes the form of an appropriate additional inscription applied to the Jersey Crest stamps. The inscription says Prince Harry & Meghan Royal Wedding 19/5/2018. Rating:- 0.

  🇬🇬 In Blog 1203 I mentioned Guernsey Post's intention to release a strip of Post and Go 'Guernsey Flag' stamps with appropriate surcharge applied to mark its philatelic bureau's attendance at the Essen International Stamp Fair 2018 from 3 to 5 May 2018. I now provide an illustration of one of the stamps from this strip:-

  🇨🇾 Cyprus Post will issue its Europa Stamps on the subject of Bridges on 2 May 2018. The issue is made up of 2 stamps and 1 booklet containing 8 stamps (4 x 2 different stamps issued tête bêche). I like the donkey standing on the bridge in the 64c value. Rating:- ****.

  🇲🇹 MaltaPost will issue 2 stamps and 1 booklet on 3 May 2018 as its contribution to this year's Europa omnibus which is on the subject of Bridges. The issue was designed by David P Attard and lithographed by Printex and perforated 14. Rating:- ****.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

1212. 🇦🇺 Flood Of Australia Post Issues Continues.

  🇦🇺 Australia Post will issue a single gummed stamp on 1 May 2018 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the first Australian cricket tour by an Aboriginal XI in England. The stamp was designed by Phil Ellet of Creative Ethos and Jo Muré and lithographed by EGO and perforated 14 x 14.5. It is pleasing that Australia Post is issuing a stamp commemorating a genuinely locally relevant issue - Rating:- ***** - but unfortunately many other issues have been announced along with it for which there is very little reason in a very large new issue programme.

  A set of 4 gummed stamps, 1 gummed miniature sheet and 4 self-adhesive stamps issued in 4 individual booklets of 10 x $1 will be released on 1 May 2018 on the subject of 'Cloudscapes'. An attractive issue but quite unnecessary at a time of so many issues being released by Australia Post. The issue was designed by Lisa Christensen of Three Branches Design and lithographed by RA Printing and perforated 14.5. Rating:- *.

  A miniature sheet will be issued on 27 May 2018 to commemorate Australia Post's participation in the World Stamps Championships 2018 being held in Israel from 27 to 31 May 2018. Rating:- *.

  A set of 4 gummed stamps, 1 miniature sheet and 4 self-adhesive stamps issued in 4 individual booklets each of 10 x $1 will be issued on 21 May 2018 on the subject of 'Silo art' (art applied to grain silos). This is an interesting and original subject but quite unnecessary when Australia Post is putting out so many new issues. The set was designed by Janet Boschen Design and lithographed by EGO and perforated 14 x 14.5. Rating:- 0.

  On 5 June 2018 Australia Post will issue 3 more attractive stamps depicting Finches. The colourful and attractive set was designed by Kevin Stead and John White and lithographed by RA Printing and perforated 14 x 14.5. Needless to say there is also an accompanying miniature sheet. Rating:- **.

  A set of 4 gummed stamps, 1 gummed miniature sheet and 4 self-adhesive stamps issued in 4 booklets each containing 10 x $1 stamps meaning that the total cost of the issue amounts to $48.will be released on 12 June 2018 on the subject of Art in Nature. The set was designed by Andrew Hogg Design and lithographed by EGO (RA Printing) and perforated 14.5 x 14. A colourful issue but what is the point of it in such a crowded new issue programme? Rating:- 0.

  On 15 June 2018 a stamp pack on the subject of Sustainable Development Goals containing a pane of 20 Greetings stamps and a second pane of non-postally valid will be released and sold for $23.

  Three $23 'stamp packs' containing 2 sheetlets each (both made up of 2 panes of 8 'Greetings' stamps with attached illustrated labels) will be released in May 2018 on the following subjects:- Jurassic World 2 Fallen Kingdom, Star Wars Han Solo and Disney Princess. Rating:- 0.

🇨🇨 Issue inscribed 'Cocos (Keeling) Island Australia - 3 stamps and 1 miniature sheet on the subject of 'Basket weaving' to be issued on 26 June 2018. Designed by Sonia Young and lithographed by RAPrint and perforated 14 x 14.5. Rating:- **.