Sunday, 2 January 2022

2004. 🇵🇰 Pakistan Post Issues First Commonwealth Stamp of 2022.

New issues - 

🇵🇰 Pakistan Post - 31 December 2021 - 70th anniversary of the establishment of Thailand-Pakistan diplomatic relations. 2 stamps (se-tenant pair). Designed by Masood ur Rehman. Lithographed by National Security Printing Corporation,Karachi. Perforated 13. Rating:- ****.

1 January 2022 - 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Japan - 1 stamp. Designed by Assad Muktar and lithographed by National Security Printing Corporation Karachi and perforated 13.

🇸🇭 St Helena postal service  - ?December 2021 - Parenting in seabird colonies - 4 stamps and 1 miniature sheet containing a single stamp. Rating:- ****.

New issue programmes for 2022 - 

🇳🇦 NamPost (postal service of Namibia) - 

12 April 2022 - Goshawks and sparrowhawks of Namibia - 4 stamps. Designed by Helge Denker. Rating:- *****.

22 July 2022 - Sandhof lily of Namibia - 3 stamps. Designed by Helge Denker. Rating:- *****.

1 October 2022 - Lapwings of Namibia - 5 stamps. Designed by Helge Denker. Rating:- *****.


  1. The rates on the Namibia stamps are strange - Postcard, Inland Registered, (Inland?) Non-standard, Zone A (airmail?).

    Nothing apparently in these sets for ordinary inland letters which ought to be the most used unless everybody sends registered letters and unregistered postcards!

    1. Happy new year Ian. I think Zone A means mail to Africa. Zimbabwe has a similar rate as well as a Z rate (within Zimbabwe) and E for mail to Europe.

    2. According to the NAMPOST website, zone A rate is for the SADC (southern African development countries) which currently are Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Eswatini (formerly Swaziland). The domestic rate is cheaper than for the other zone A countries.

    3. apologies, left off some SADC countries; the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Mauritius, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

      Madagascar is in the group, but is excluded from zone A, presumably because of distance, and is covered by zone B (rest of Africa and Europe).
