Tuesday, 24 December 2024

2636. 🎄 Merry Christmas!


The world’s first Christmas stamp.

🎄 Merry Christmas!

Scenes from the BBC children’s television programme Blue Peter in which the two children who provided the designs for the first British Christmas stamps in 1966 were interviewed. 

  And a recent broadcast of an Antiques television programme, Bargain Hunt, by the BBC featured the 1966 Christmas stamps and told the story of their development though when talk turned to the subject of King George V and his magnificent stamp collection  the item was illustrated with a photograph showing George VI with his stamps.

  So once.more, Merry Christmas!


  1. And a (belated) Merry Christmas to you, too.

    Even though I now buy very few stamp products - as collectibles - your wonderful blog helps keep my philatelic interest simmering. (The commentary invariably adds considerably to the bare facts of each issue.)

    Wishing you a fulfilling and prosperous 2025.

    1. WK - Thank you. You are very kind.

  2. Blue Peter had used stamp appeals too for charity. I wonder how many of the then children who donated would still save stamps for charities now... even if they didn't have an interest in stamps, they'd know that there are people out there who do.
