New issues.
🇲🇾 Pos Malaysia -
29 June 2022 - Traditional boats in Malaysia - 2 stamps and 1 miniature sheet containing a single stamp. Rating:- *****.
🇶🇦 Qatar Post -
1 April 2022 - FIFA 2022 World Cup Championships Finals to be held in Qatar, emblems - 2 stamps and 1 miniature sheet containing the 2 stamps. Lithographed by Cartor. Rating:- ***.
🇧🇩 Bangladesh Post -
16 November 2022 - Among the numerous issues released during 2021 by Bangladesh Post (all recorded in previous Blogs) was an unusual small imperforate miniature sheet or perhaps a very large imperforate stamp which commemorated the contribution of foreigners to the cause of Bangladesh at the time of the War of Liberation. The item was put on sale and then almost immediately withdrawn once it was noticed that the item did not include the country’s name. The item was reissued shortly afterwards to include the name of the country in English and Bengali and to reposition the value and add the year of issue. Interestingly the design includes a cameo portrait of the convicted fraudster politician John Stonehouse who had been the British postmaster general at the time (see Blog 1785). The design also includes a portrait of the British musician George Harrison, former member of the musical group, the Beatles and the humanitarian St Theresa. Rating:- *****.

Some possible or unlikely new issues.
2022 is a year which offers opportunities to commemorate philatelicly important national anniversaries or events.
🇯🇲 Jamaica - 60th anniversary of Independence (6 August 1962) - 2 stamps already issued.
🇹🇹 Trinidad And Tobago - 60th anniversary of Independence (31 August 1962) - issue possible
🇼🇸 Samoa - 60th anniversary of Independence ((1 January 1962) - issue unlikely
🇷🇼 Rwanda - 60th anniversary of Independence from Belgium (1 July 1962) - issue unlikely, no stamps were issued to commemorate 50th anniversary of Independence.
🇺🇬 Uganda - 60th anniversary of Independence (9 October 1962) - issue possible
🇪🇬 Egypt - Centenary of Independence from Great Britain (28 February 1922) - 1 stamp issued 15 March 2022
🇷🇼 Rwanda - 21 - 25 June 2022 - Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) hosted by Rwanda - no issue known to have been released.
🇬🇧 United Kingdom - 28 July 2022 - Commonwealth Games, Birmingham - 8 stamps to be issued on 28 July 2022
👑 Various Commonwealth countries and territories - Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II - Issues so far from United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Grenada, Antigua And Barbuda, Bahamas, Tuvalu, Nevis, The Gambia, Guyana, Malta, Kiribati, Gibraltar, Bermuda, Falkland Islands, Pitcairn Islands, South Georgia And South Sandwich Islands, British Antarctic Territory, Ascension Island, Tristan Da Cunha, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle Of Man.
No news of any issues from the Commonwealth Realms of New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Saint Lucia, Jamaica, Belize, St Vincent And The Grenadines, St Kitts (Nevis).