New issues -
🇸🇠Tristan Da Cunha postal service -
Bicentenary of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution - 2 issues each of 4 stamps and both issued on -
1 July 2024 - Part 1 - Lifeboats and Part 2 - Tristan rescue boats. Designed by Andrew Robinson and lithographed by Cartor and perforated 13.5. Production coordinated by Creative Direction. Rating:- ******.
Thanks for information about this issue to Maxine Cannon of Isle Of Man Post Office Stamps and Coins.
🇹🇷 Postal Service of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus -
24 June 2024 - European Football Championships - 2 stamps and Olympic Games, Paris - 2 stamps issued as a vertical se-tenant pair. Designed by GK Sönmezer and printed by Denker Basimevi. Rating:- **.
🇬🇧 Royal Mail -
Charlies (definitive stamps depicting King Charles III) - 2024 codes issued so far -
The following have appeared so far -
1. Stamps produced in sheets for sale at post office counters -
2nd M24L MAIL
1st M24L MAIL
£2.50 M24L MAIL (new value)
2. Stamps from booklets -
2nd Class from booklets of 8 M24L MEIL
3. Stamps from Prestige booklets -
£2 from Red Arrows booklet M24L MPIL
4. Stamps from Business sheets -
2nd Class M24L MBIL
5. Other items -
Charlies imprinted on pre-paid envelopes (postage paid impressions - PPIs) -
As can be seen from these two examples I received recently the shades of the ‘Holly green’ of these items appear to vary quite markedly.
They've got to do something better than that awful silhouette. It worked for the Queen, but not for a man's head.