Friday, 17 November 2023

2402. 🇲🇹 Malta’s Christmas Stamps.


New issues.

🇲🇹 MaltaPost -

21 November 2023 - Christmas - 3 stamps. Designed by MaltaPost and lithographed by Printex and perforated 14. Rating:- ***.

🇲🇼 Malawi Post -

2023. The government of Malawi, a country whose economy could justifiably be said to be in dire straits, devalued the national currency, the Kwacha, on 10 November 2023 by 44%. It is reasonable to assume that this may lead to postal rate changes with resulting new surcharged stamps to address the new rates. Collectors may wish to remain alert to the possibility of such new stamps coming on to the market. New Malawi stamp issues have only been released in the form of surcharged former definitives since 2018.

Previous surcharges - 

🇱🇹 Stamperija (exploitative Lithuania-based producer and purveyor of paraphilatelic items under contract from various postal administrations). The number of these products is far in excess of postal need and it is highly unlikely that they are actually released in most or all the countries whose names appear on the products. While many feature subjects which are wholly irrelevant to these countries, some products have been sold recently which have a semblance of normality and appear to be the sort of products which might be sold by the postal services in post offices. There is presently no evidence to suggest that such products are actually sold in these countries and I view them as items cleverly and selectively produced to convey the impression that they are normal, postally usable postage stamps. These new products are issued in multiple expensive versions - miniature sheets, sheetlets, imperforate and perforated and so on. As always, caveat emptor. Such items are rated ‘0’.

🇸🇱 Products inscribed Sierra Leone -

2023 - Inauguration of Pan-African Postal Union (PAPU) Headquarters, Arusha in Tanzania - 4 stamps and 7 miniature sheets.

2023 - World Post Day, 2023 - 1 stamp issued in a sheetlet of 8 and 1 single stamp miniature sheet.

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