Sunday 30 June 2024

2523. 🇱🇰 Sri Lanka Commemorates Buddhist Youth Meeting.


New issues

🇱🇰 Sri Lanka Post -

22 June 2024 - 20th General Conference of World Buddhist Sangha Youth - 1 stamp. Lithographed. Rating:- ***

30 June 2024 - Commemoration of the Most Venerable Gangodawila Soma Thero - 1 stamp. Lithographed. Rating:-***.

🇵🇬 Post PNG (postal service of Papua New Guinea) -

The Post PNG internet site lists 7 new issues said to have been released during 2023 and 14 new issues  planned for release during 2014. Although details of the issues are given no illustrations of the various stamps, miniature sheets and sheetlets are published. In previous years the Post PNG internet site has listed stamps which subsequent to their appearance on the site were never actually issued or if they were then they often appeared at a much later date. There is little reason to believe therefore that all the featured 2023 and 2024 issues were released on the stated dates of issue or have so far been issued at all. One issue featured on the 2023 page but probably, according to a Facebook posting, issued in January 2024, was featured in Blog 2522.

The Pacific area expert and stamp dealer Steven Zirinsky has recently put on sale on his shop internet site some covers bearing one stamp from some of the other sets mentioned but not illustrated, on the Post PNG  internet site. I therefore now mention the sets and stated date of issue (according to the Post PNG site) as these issues have clearly been released. Mr Zirinsky’s covers are all dated 17 May 2024 though there is no mention of that being the date of issue.

  Stated date of issues - 28 July 2023 - Canoe splashboards - 4 stamps (1.60, 3.00, 5.00 and 6.90), 1 sheetlet costing 20.00 and 1 miniature sheet costing 20.00). Designed by Banian Masiboda and lithographed. 

Illustration from Mr Zirinsky’s shop internet site -

Stated date of issue 28 July 2023 - Traditional war shields - 4 stamps (1.60, 3.00, 5.00 and 6.90), Designed by Banian Masiboda and lithographed.

Illustration from Mr Zirinsky’s shop internet site -

Original stated date of issue - November 2022 - Freshwater fish - no further details.

Illustration from Mr Zirinsky’s internet shop site - 

Commonwealth countries and territories which are not yet known to have issued or had issued on their behalf, any legitimate postage stamps this year up until the end of June,

Aitutaki Cook Islands
Antigua and Barbuda 
British Antarctic Territory 
British Indian Ocean Territory 
British Virgin Islands 
Cayman Islands 
Cook Islands including Rarotonga
Grenada Carriacou and Petite Martinique 
Kingdom of eSwatini
Niaufo’ou Tonga
Penrhyn Cook Islands 
Pitcairn Islands 
Ross Dependency 
St Helena 
Saint Lucia 
St Vincent and The Grenadines 
Solomon Islands 
The Gambia
Trinidad and Tobago 
United Republic of Tanzania

Therefore, by the end of June, 45 out of 88 (51.1%) of Commonwealth philatelic entities are not yet known to have issued, or had issued on their behalf, any legitimate postage stamps in 2024. This compares with the figure of 49 (55.7%) at the end of May 2024 and the figure of 33 (37.5%) at the end of June 2023.

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