Tuesday, 16 March 2021

1846.🇬🇬🇯🇪🇧🇲 Guernsey Europa, Jersey Surfing And Bermuda Gardens Stamps Planned.

 ðŸ‡¬ðŸ‡¬ Two EUROPA stamps plus an accompanying miniature sheet will make up Guernsey Post’s contribution to the 2021 omnibus issue from numerous European philatelic entities which is this year on the subject of Endangered Wildlife. The stamps will be released on 7 April 2021 and are part of a larger set of 8 stamps depicting various creatures which are endangered in Guernsey. I was surprised to see the Herring gull included in the list, here in land-bound Birmingham, well over 100 miles from any coast the local herring gulls seem to be thriving perfectly adequately. The pleasant designs by Wendy Bramall, a Guernsey-born artist, cover a wide range of species. Unfortunately Guernsey Post continues to issue far too many stamps and these stamps are lost in the crowd. The issue was lithographed by Southern Colour Print and is perforated 14.5. Rating:- ***.

  🇯🇪 The never ending and seemingly constant release of stamps from the British offshore islands continues with a set of 6 stamps and 1 single stamp miniature sheet on 10 May 2021 from Jersey Post on the subject of Surfing. No apparent special reason for this particular set except I suppose to publicise tourism in the island which would be a good enough reason if Jersey Post was not such an egregious issuer of excessive numbers of stamps every year. The designs feature some striking photographs. Rating:- *.

🇧🇲 The first issue of 2021 from the postal service of Bermuda will be a set of 4 stamps which will commemorate the Centenary of the Garden Club of Bermuda. I do not know the date of issue but doubtless it will be on or close to the actual date of the centenary which will be 4 April 2021. This is an attractive issue and only 2 more issues are planned for 2021 by the Bermuda postal service - in August 2021 an issue depicting Sand sculptures and then in September 2021 a set titled ‘Bermuda greetings’ (British offshore islands, please take note of Bermuda’s admirable conservatism). There is also a set planned for May 2022 to commemorate the Centenary of the St George’s Historical Society.

Rating:- *****.



  1. The Guernsey series is very interesting and beautiful, like all the series designed by Wendy Bramall. Unfortunately this time I will not be able to buy the sheetlet series due to the high face value of the series as a whole. I do not understand this British mania to increase the number of stamps per series as time passes and stamps are being used less and less. In the end they end up selling less, at least in the case of Guernsey, where to buy the sheetlets we need the series to have a reasonable cost: in my view, close to 50 pounds.

    1. Hello, I agree entirely with all your comments. WK.

  2. A série de Guernsey é muito interessante e bela, como todas as séries desenhadas por Wendy Bramall. Desafortunadamente desta vez não poderei comprar a série de sheetlets devido ao alto valor facial da série como um todo. Não entendo essa mania britênica de aumentar o número de selos por série na medida que o tmpo passa e selos vão sendo cada vez menos usados. No final acabam vendendo menos, pelo menos no caso de Guernsey, onde para comprar as sheetlets precisamos que as séries tenham um custo razoável: ao meu ver, próximo de 50 libras.
